Not surprisingly the developers are not shy about the amount of inspiration that Jupiter: The Nexus Incident has provided to them. The developer is rather excited to have such a person producing their game, as they can then ask those questions that may prove elusive to the indie game developer.
#Shallow space insurgency professional#
Better still is the fact that he is still in touch with some of the concept artists and talented voice actors that put together Nexus: The Jupiter Incident and he even has a team of experienced professional programmers on his speed dial list.
#Shallow space insurgency update#
"Into the room walks Vincent Van Diemen, the producer of ‘Nexus: The Jupiter Incident.’ Now Vincent has been watching the project for some time now on a facebook page that I update on frequently and I was pleasantly surprised when he came forward and offered his expertise on the project. For example, authorities defined family as a space of prevention against behavioral deviations. He actually approached the developer initially based off of the concept and progress of the project, offering his assistance and vast experience and expertise in order to build a more cohesive game. Keywords: Cuban Psychology, decolonization, insurgency. The Snowden leaks gave him a cause and an enemy. The developers of Shallow Space Insurgency are pleased to announce that Vincent Van Diemen has joined their team and will be acting as a producer for them as well. The eBay founder was a mild-mannered Obama supporter looking for a way to spend his time and fortune. Shallow Space Insurgency is a space based RTS that wants to improve upon the common denominator and puts heavy emphasis on intense strategy, fleet customizability, ship and weapon diversity and a. 1 IndieGoGo Shallow Space: Insurgency - An awesome looking space RTS. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Vincent Van Diemen joins the developers working on Shallow Space Insurgency. This is the subreddit for the website Space Game Junkie, along with space gaming in general Press J to jump to the feed.

He's a very good game producer that helped to create the success that was Nexus: The Jupiter Incident. And he's joining the team behind an up and coming RTS, Shallow Space Insurgency. the spirit of female insurgency which impelled the suffragettes to carry out their. The RTS scene is not currently awash with stellar titles the big one being Starcraft, but it only operates on a 2D plane. My experience in this genre is only limited to Star Trek Armada and Homeworld, so I too raised my eye-brow quizzically. Special Circumstances hopes to create multiple games in the Shallow Space universe, and this setting has been largely created by John Harper, author of Elite. Using a very shallow space, which at no point allows any penetration. By Jason Parker Boldly Going Where Few Have Gone Before. It seems very similar to Homeworld, and the producer of Nexus: The Jupiter Incident endorses it. You may not know who Vincent Van Diemen is and that's alright if you're not a space-bourn RTS fan. I've just read about this new space game called Shallow Space: Insurgency.